Some-what political !

Author : Aasi

Elections have gone by, we’ve results, we’ve conspiracies, we’ve disputes, we’ve rumors, we’ve agreements, we’ve alliances, we’ve rivals, we’ve facts and we’ve “Dharnas” lots of “Dharnas”   but the most important thing of all is that we’ve our representatives and by definition they are our rulers …
The hustle and noise of whole election and election campaign had blemishes but one can’t neglect the positives, we’ve earned. For the first time, ever in the history of Pakistan we’ve two consecutive elections. The voting turnout is maximum. People really were so keen about elections. All the political leadership showed the brighter side of the Pakistan. The socio-political ratio got higher and higher and the positives go on and on …
“The part of participation brings the sense of responsibility”. It’s pretty obvious that majority is authority so by putting minority in the power, good options can get neglect although it shouldn’t be an option even it is no more in practice in most parts of the world.
By giving the power of judging to every Tom, Dick and Harry, May not be able to solve the conundrum or may not be able to draw off quandary but it will make sure that all sceneries lead to the better conclusions and better solutions. It will take time but “time” what is required in every race of substitution and especially when “change” is the need.
My friend and American educationalist, Tris Legacy once said, “Drawing conclusion erases doubts”. So need in the regard to look into the matter so thoroughly and vigorously. Everyone try to fulfill his/her or it duties first then set their selves for something big. This is so basic and shallow demand of the life. The higher the power, the more the responsibilities.
“Do not seek for information of which you cannot make use.” What a great saying by Anna Brackett. Verbosity and circumlocution are of no use no matter how and where the flowing is. So one has to be precise and concise. Person always hear and see what he/she wants to see or hear, it is good because no one need to change their trending but to change the priority of wants.
I firmly believe that to reach the perfection you’ve to bear some imperfection. Better world can’t be made over night, so I, by myself from now, urge and try to contribute and try to fulfill my duties and then look myself where I am standing …

Tick the right one then you don't have to deal with wrong-un !

Ticking minimize the risk of picking !!

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